Harbor Link Making Progress on its Telecommunications Infrastructure Build

Blog Post

Wireless internet connectivity has become an essential function for businesses and individuals in almost all facets of daily life today. Within the Washington D.C/Maryland/Virginia (D.M.V.) region, many who have a need for high speed connectivity find themselves without sufficient access. This holds specifically true for marginalized communities. This digital divide shows how access to wireless internet has been often overlooked or ignored in certain underserved areas. As a result, Harbor Link Holdings LLC, a Maryland-based telecommunications infrastructure company, has designed a fiber network solution that offers more accessible on/off ramps, wireless connectivity to enable seamless data distribution over 5G infrastructure, and is making significant strides in its mission to develop a unique and diverse dark fiber network that interconnects the entire D.M.V. region.

In January 2022, Harbor Link announced that they began construction on their new 60-mile, diverse conduit route set to enhance connectivity between Baltimore, Maryland, Washington D.C., and Northern Virginia. Designed to meet the wireless demands of the region, the route features conduit for fiber optic cables to enable multi-path, high-speed connectivity. To enable high speed network demand, Harbor Link designed the route to maximize its reach, traveling on dual-diverse paths alongside I-95 and Maryland’s RT-97, while offering over 300 easy access points along the way. Their rapid connectivity, clocking in at under 1 millisecond, will provide secure dark fiber capacity to enable greater wireless 5G access from Baltimore to Northern Virginia.

Since breaking ground, Harbor Link has submitted 90% of its Baltimore City engineering plans for permit approval, and completed construction on over one mile of the 20-way duct system.. In six months, Harbor Link plans to have 60% of the Baltimore City route built, connecting to the new I-95 build to Washington DC. The Baltimore City route is on track to be 100% complete by Q’3 2023..

On the route connecting Washington DC to Baltimore, Harbor Link has completed five miles of the six-way conduit system with 70% of the engineering work required  for permitting. In six months an additional 15 miles of fiber will be completed including railroads and river crossings. Scheduled completion date for the 31 miles of new fiber conduit is May 2023.

Harbor Link’s mission is to provide broad, reliable wireless capabilities to underserved communities and businesses across the region; to lift these communities up and help bridge the digital divide. With construction moving along efficiently, more affordable wireless access is expected to be available in Baltimore and the surrounding area as soon as 2023, along with other expansions around the Mid-Atlantic region over time. Harbor Link is offering flexible lease-agreements on monthly or long-term indefeasible rights of use agreements (IRU’s).

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To learn more about Harbor Link, click here.